Monday, November 9, 2009


Lately, this blog has been talking mostly about keeping yourself safe. However, it is also important to respect other's safety, and feelings.

This video should explain what I am talking about.

Be careful before you post.

If you want this to happen to you, go ahead and post anything and everything. I know I wouldn't.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

What could happen if you don't follow your internet safety rules?

Many terrible things could happen... Here is one example:

Basic Safety

Here are some basic safety tips for kids for using the internet. (Courtesy of

•Don't give out information about yourself like your last name, your phone number, where you live, or where you go to school - without asking your parents first.

•Never e-mail a picture of yourself to strangers.

•If somebody says something to you, sends you something, or you see something that makes you uncomfortable, don't look around or explore; get your parents instead - they know what to do.

•Making plans to meet your Internet buddies in real life is usually a really bad idea - how people are in real life can be very different from how they are online. If you decide to do it anyway, have your Mom or Dad help make the plans and go with you.

•Don't open up e-mails, files, or Web pages that you get from people you don't really know or trust.

•Don't ever give out your password, except to responsible adults in your family.

•Always follow your family's rules for the Internet - they're there to make sure you have fun and stay safe online.

•Don't ever do anything that could cost your family money unless your parents are there to help you do it.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Safety Links for Children

These sites have some good information on them about safety. Remember to always have your parents check the sites out first, though.

For kids:

For parents and educators:

Site Info

This website will have helpful tips on how to be safe online. Remember to always ask an adult to preview any webstie you go on, even this one.